Days with no response from Gov. Kotek:


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Get Involved

January 29, 2024

Most Important: Contact State Legislators

The first step is to email and call your state senator or state rep (not US senator or US rep) or send them a letter. Your state senator and state rep are almost obligated to make time for meeting with you if your schedule is flexible.

Washington state legislators are here.



Donations help us win through campaign advertising, lawn signs, banners, contributions to candidates, and lobbying.


Wear the message, and place brochures, lawn signs, and banners

You can get merchandise in return for donations! Wear the merchandise to spread the message!

You can purchase a 3’x6′ banner and place it where it’s visible to drivers.

If you live where a county will be voting, contact us to get lawn signs or banners for free. Let us know of good locations to put signs and banners where there is good traffic.


Send an op-ed or Letter to the Editor

Write a letter to the editors of as many newspapers as you can find. These can reach many people. Then post it on social media.  


Get our posts & spread the word

Share our posts so that we can win elections and influence legislators. Get our new posts on the social media listed at the bottom of the page. Share a link to our website Mention moving the border in your conversations. Help us campaign for the next election!


Get Email Updates

Sign up for our email list to hear our most important news. When there’s an opportunity to help in a specific county, we send out an email to that specific county.


Move an Organization's Boundary

Another way to signal support for Greater Idaho is to convince an organization to include eastern Oregon into the Idaho division of that organization instead of the Oregon division. For example, can you start an effort to convince eastern Oregon women’s sports teams to join the Idaho league instead of the Oregon League to avoid the males who want to compete with women? Another example would be the Grange. Wouldn’t you rather have your state convention in Boise rather than in western Oregon?



Do you have several hours a week to help this movement in other ways? Contact us with your ideas of how you can help. We don’t know you so we don’t know what you’re good at. If you decide to do something, let us know. Maybe we can provide some resources or invite our other volunteers to join you.


Gilliam, Umatilla County Residents:

It’s too early to get on the ballot. Crook County will vote in 2024. We need to save Gilliam and Umatilla counties for later so that we’ll have momentum when we need it.


Get Greater Idaho on a Party Platform

Consider becoming a PCP (precinct person) and getting involved in the process for creating or voting on your political party’s platform, to add a plank in favor of the Greater Idaho idea.


Find new allies for Greater Idaho

One reason legislators have not yet acted is that they haven’t seen expressions of support from social organizations, businesses and business organizations, and donors. Can you help reverse that? Think about what organizations you’re a member of. Maybe some statewide organizations are wary of supporting our movement because they’re afraid they’ll alienate some constituents. But not all organizations are statewide. Ask your local chapter of the organization to express support for Greater Idaho and let us know about it.


Fundraising Networking

Do you know a business owner or multi-millionaire? Do you have connections with corporations that would benefit from the relocation of the Oregon/Idaho border? We’d like to connect with eastern & southern Oregon businesses who understand that Idaho’s business climate would be better for them. For example: the timber, mining, and ag industry. Ask your contacts to find the ones who’d be willing to receive a call from us, about the possibility of partnering with us financially. Once you have their permission,contact us to give us their phone number.


Understand the Process

Step 1: Eastern Oregonians convince county commissioners to put a question on the ballot (Gilliam County residents click here)

Step 2: Oregon counties vote (non-binding) to prove to state legislators that eastern Oregon wants to join Idaho. Twelve counties have voted in favor so far, and Crook County will vote May 2024.

Step 3: Idaho Legislature holds hearings. Our first hearing was April 12, 2021, our second was February 13, 2023.

Step 4: Oregon Legislature holds hearings

Step 5: The movement convinces a critical mass of Oregon legislators to support the idea.

Step 6: Optionally, the Oregon and Idaho Legislatures invite each other to consider the issue by passing a “memorial” or resolution The Idaho House of Representatives invited Oregon to begin talks February 2023.

Step 7: Oregon & Idaho leaders negotiate.

Step 8: State legislatures ratify an interstate compact that sets the terms of the border relocation, such as which assets and liabilities become Idaho’s.

Step 8a: Optionally, the compact authorizes a plebiscite (vote) for eastern Oregon voters as a whole to consent to, or veto, the compact.

Step 9: Congress approves the interstate compact and amends acts of admission of both states. Before we can add California counties to Idaho, we need to complete phase 1: moving the Oregon/Idaho border. The Washington State counties that Idaho would accept (Columbia, Garfield, and Asotin) can begin the process at any time.